word plugin feature request - keep last reference

I've trawled through previous discussions but can't any comment on one feature that is driving me crazy - when I use the Word plugin I have to search each time in the box for the reference, even when it's the same reference as the one I've just imported. Endnote from memory defaults to the last reference, which is quite useful. I know I could do a RTF scan and just type the citation, but when I've got multiple authors it's just as many keystrokes as finding the reference and importing it.

Or am I missing something? I feel like I am ...
  • Or even better sort by order of insertion so that you can choose between all cited publications. Or it would nice to sort by most frequent insertion

  • Yes, I would like to renew this request. Automatically choosing the latest citation would make it a lot easier and also somehow alleviate the problem mentioned here: http://forums.zotero.org/discussion/5524/cut-and-paste-work-but-copy-and-paste-doesnt/#Item_0. For copying your last citation you would only need 2 steps, keyboard shortcut for citation and enter.
    Any thoughts by the Zotero team?
  • While these feature would still be nice, I thought for the benefit of others I should say there is a workaround if you are doing quite a few notes from the one source. Simply save a search for the item you're working on (right-click if it's in a group library) then navigate to that saved search. If, like me, you have a Word keyboard shortcut for insert citation, then you just use the citation, it's the only item in the list (although you still have to click it). It at least saves you from having to search each time.
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