Hyper link to attachments in reports.
It would be good if we could have hyperlinks to attachments, or at least their contain directory in zotero's reports as either file:// urls or as zotero://atachment/ urls. It looks like this would be quick and easy feature to add, and would enable bookmarking your own zotero sources, or exporting reports as full text repositories for handing to colleagues (by modifying the absolute file:// url to be realtive to the collection export folder).
Is this likely to happen at all?
Is this likely to happen at all?
TMFHi, I would like to echo this request. It seems that we can use links like zotero://attachment/52/ to refer to stored website snapshots, but it would be convenient if such links could be generated (e.g. via context menu) for any attachment, such as PDFs. This would allow convenient hyperlinking to documents in research notes, etc.
mpickardAdd me to the count on this request. I've heard that Endnote can create an html "index" (bibliography) with local file URLs to the attachments.