Will Zotero automatically put periods on initials if the style requires it?
Will Zotero automatically put periods on initials if the style requires it? I've been leaving periods off my author's middle initials and first initials if that's all that's given.
My professors prefer full names, and I was going to change the APA style to reflect that.
My professors prefer full names, and I was going to change the APA style to reflect that.
initialize-with=" "
in the name section of the variable determines this. If it is left out entirely, full first names are given.
For your database it is always preferable to put in full names.
Look at some existing styles in the test panel
to get a feel.
For example, if I have a middle initial, and not the full middle name, should I put a period after that initial in the database?
I've been trying to check what you said in the APS style that I've recently installed. However I check the test panel and I cannot find the string "initialize-with" in the APS style, whileI've found it in the APA style...
I am pretty sure authors initials are required with a period following:
any suggestion on how to do it?
BTW, I think the same problem applies to the the AIP style:
many thanks...
in the <name.... sections of the style
Leaving it out gives you full first names as in the current version of the APS and AIP style.
I've tried to edit AIP and APS styles and made them to work by adding Initialize-with="." in the line:
<name delimiter=", " initialize-with="." name-as-sort-order="all" and="text"/>...
I needed some tries with spaces and position within the line, but I've made it working at the end....great tool the test panel, BTW.
Probably it should be better to update the styles in the repository section of Zotero, though...
My compliments for the good work in making Zotero easy to customize: took me very little time to understand the problem and fix the style myself...
Is this an issue that the Zotero team is aware of, and is it possible to avoid bringing in those periods? Or is it a question of each provider having its own protocol and therefore the offending periods must be stripped away by hand?