Word Script Menu folder

After installing all the add-ons, I see no folder called ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Word Script Menu.

I created the folder and put the Zotero folder in it, but it did not work. My MS Office is in Spanish, so I suspect the folder should have a different name, no idea which one.

Report ID 10770265311.
  • Well, try "Word Script Menu Items", for starters, not "Word Script Menu".
  • Thanks, Dan.

    It did not work, though

    Report ID: 1942016520
  • Just to be sure, what's your definition of "does not work"?

    In Word 2008, you should see a script menu. If Zotero isn't listed in there, go to "About This Menu...". It should tell you the correct path, and you should be able to click "Open Folder" to open it in Finder.
  • Sorry! I am using Word 2004 and I see no toobar
  • Why were you looking for Word Script Menu Items, then?

  • I don't know if that can help, but if your problem is that the toolbar doesn't appear in Word, be aware that there is a zotero.dot file which is created in Applications/Microsoft Office 2004 /Office/start folder. Move the .dot file to the equivalent of the start folder in your language.
  • Dan, when I follow your instructions a finder window opens and tells me to "select the word script menu items folder, usually located in Documents/Microsoft User Data"
  • Thanks OC34, just for the record I moved it from

    Applications/Microsoft Office 2004 /Office/startup/word


    Applications/Microsoft Office 2004 /Office/inicio/word

    and the toolbar is now there
  • when I follow your instructions a finder window opens and tells me to "select the word script menu items folder, usually located in Documents/Microsoft User Data"
    Do you have Word 2008 installed on your machine (in /Applications/Microsoft Office 2008/)? If not, and it prompted you to look for Word Script Menu Items, that's a bug. If that's the case, open AppleScript Editor (from Spotlight or /Applications/Utilities), paste

    run script "application id \"com.Microsoft.Word\""
    into the box, and click Run. Does it open Word 2004?

    I'll add a section on non-English installation for Word 2004 to the troubleshooting page. I thought it was there, but it looks like there are only instructions for 2008 currently.
  • Thanks again, Dan.

    No, I do not have Word 2008 in my machine.

    Yes, it does open Word 2004 when I do as you say.

    Anything else you would like me to try?
  • Could you run the following in AppleScript Editor and let us know the output?

    version of application id "com.Microsoft.Word"
    Thanks very much.
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