New entry by right-click

it would be great if one could right-click on a file in the entry-list and choose such as "Create new entry from file".

  • Which would do what, exactly?
  • edited January 26, 2010
    the problem is what to do with a pdf where metadata retrievel fails or a different file (e.g. a .doc). As things are now, you'll have to create a new item and then drag the file into it. Kevin's suggestion would eliminate the dragging (which can indeed be quite inconvenient).
    I know that it has long been planned to automatically do this for failed metadata retrieval. Is that likely to be a 2.1 feature? Also, to deal with the .doc case, could the "retrieve metadata" context menu item simply be replaced by "create new item from file" for non-pdf files?

    edit: btw - Dan - congratulations on getting out rc1 last night - looks terrific.
  • Yes, that's planned for 2.1, and "Create New Item from File" (or similar) would make sense for .doc and other non-PDF files. (Kevin, is this what you were suggesting?)
  • Thanks, that is exactly what I was looking for. Is there any workarount or hint so far how to do this easier?
    "My Library" is pretty long. New created entries appear at the top or at the bottom of the list, but my lonesome pdf-file is somewhere in the middle. Draging it over hundrets of other entries is a little annoying.
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