CiteseerX site translator


Citeseer will become obsolete.

A site translator for citeseerX would be greatly appreciated.


  • Here's my first shot at a translator for CiteSeerX. Note: I don't/didn't know JavaScript, this is my first shot at it, and I didn't try to make it all that robust. It seems to work to grab the BibTex and the PDF though, which is what I was after and looked for. Hopefully it can help someone else.

    I also don't know how to import one of these, but you can install Zotero Scaffold and manually put the stuff in each section.
  • It could use the addition of DOI parsing. If anyone wants to do that it'd be great :). Else I'll probably get to it at some point.
  • I guess you can install sqlite3, then sqlite3 zotero.sqlite, and paste in the code with firefox closed. Then when you open it, it'll be in there.

    e.g. on linux (ubuntu):
    <copy contents of link, paste to a temp file>
    <exit firefox>
    sudo apt-get install sqlite3
    cd /location/of/zotero/config_and_database
    sqlite3 zotero.sqlite
    <copy contents of temp file to clipboard>
    <paste clipboard>
    <open firefox>
  • Thanks for working on this. Please post a message to zotero-dev pointing to the uploaded file and someone will review and commit the translator.

    We can convert this one, but, for future reference, contributed translators need to be in Zotero 2.0 format (plain JS) rather than Zotero 1.0 format (SQL).
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