Style Request: Atmospheric Sciences
I am looking for a style that follows the Journals of American Meteorological Society. The examples of format style are described in section 3d of the brief guide for authors (
I found Zotero a convenient and powerful tool to manage references, except the citation styles are not fully supported. If anyone could assist me with this you would make my job so much easier. Thank you for the help!
I found Zotero a convenient and powerful tool to manage references, except the citation styles are not fully supported. If anyone could assist me with this you would make my job so much easier. Thank you for the help!
As an aside, the style guide you linked to wasn't complete. Some addition info on the style can be found in some of the Authors' Guides on this page:
more specifically the full Authors' Guide:
and the Comprehensive Reference Guide:
Looking forward to see American Meteorological Society citation style..
Many Atmospheric Sciences scientists are using LaTex to publish their work.. Zotero would give great flexibility to this community..
also, how would Zotero citation styles help you when you're writing with LaTeX?
About LaTex, I guess little misunderstanding. Let me correct it: if Zotero would come up with an AMS style, it would be a great flexibility for those who does not want to use LaTex (i.e. MS Word users).. I didn't mean Zotero would be helpful writing writing with LaTex..
Also, LaTex and Word templates are given at AMS web page. If AMS can be persuaded to display a link to the "Zotero AMS style for Word" along with the Word template, that would further help spreading the word..
You (as in: everyone requesting styles) are already asking people to volunteer their time - we are not likely to do so unless you take the time to organize the necessary information in a way that allows us to code the style quickly. That's what the above links tells people requesting styles to do. I never start working before I have a well prepared list of differences to a similar style by the requester.
Thanks a million in advance for the time and the effort if anyone can help.
Style Requested “American Meteorological Society”
Similar Journal: “Annals of the Association of American Geographers”
Differences in the Reference List:
Last author should be separated from year with a comma rather than a full stop.
When there are two or more publications referred from same authors for same year, year should have a single letter suffix (from a to z) based on the second author surname. (i.e. 2007a, 2007b, 2007c).
Smith, E. and A.,Russell, 2007a: Molecular Cloning. Appl. Microbiol., 45, 120-130.
Smith, E., A., Simon, and A. Russell, 2007b: Xylose Fermentation. Appl. Microbiol., 48, 180-187.
Year should be separated from title with colon rather than full stop.
(if can be implemented) Reference list should be case in-sensitive to the bibliography entry. Title should be lower case and only the initial letter of the journal name should be upper case. This would be particularly useful, when libraries are shared and the initial bibliography entry was written case in-sensitive.
Journal names should be abbreviated rather than full name.
Volume numbers should be bold.
Volume number should be separated from page numbers with a comma rather than colon.
Total page number of the cited book should be given after the publisher with a comma in between. (Author(s), publication year: Book Title. Publisher, total pages.)
Differences in the Citations
If three or more citations are listed together, then they should be separated with a semicolon rather than a comma. i.e. (Smith et al, 2007; Russell et al., 2008; Pear et al., 2009).
When there are more than two authors, only the first author should be given, and the remaining should be referred as “et al.”
When there are two or more publications from the same author from same year, year should be followed by a single letter suffix showing the order of the citation i.e. (Smith et al., 2007a; Russell et al. 2007a,b)
If a specific page or page range needs to be cited, this should also follow the year, preceded by a comma.i.e. Smith (1996, 235–237). If a single page is cited, "p." should be inserted before the number. i.e., Smith (1996, p. 125).
-- Should be a space between initials
-- Comma before year
-- Colon after year
-- Bold comma after volume
In addition, books should be appended with number of pages, such as:
Gill A. E., 1982: Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics. Academic Press, 662 pp.
I've never looked at CSL before, but I'll take a stab at making these changes....
To start with csl, see these three pages:
and this
to get you started
This for an (almost) complete documentation
let us know if you run into problems, happy to help
A few items that I did not or could not do:
-- Number of pages in book citations. From what I can tell this is a deficiency with zotero.
-- Letters when there are multiple citations by the same author (e.g., Smith 2008a,b). I assume zotero cannot do this, and it should be easier to do manually in the word processor
-- Adding the "p." when a single page is cited (e.g., Smith 2008, p. 125) but not when a page range is cited (e.g., Smith 2008, 125-200) (again, easy to do manually)
-- Not sure if it sorts the bibliography correctly. AMS sorts first by author, then by number of authors (1, 2, or "3 or more"), and then by date. Currently, I have it set to sort by author then date.
- number of pages will be possible with the next release of Zotero, due out in the next couple of days, it will be text variable="number-of-pages" - you might even want to put it in already because the release is pending.
- letters are generally possible with
<option name="disambiguate-add-year-suffix" value="true"/>
in the citation section.
That gives you
Smith 2008a, Smith 2008b
if you also put
<option name="collapse" value="year"/>
you get
Smith 2008a, 2008b or
and with
<option name="collapse" value="year-suffix"/>
Smith 2008a, b.
- I think p. vs no p. should be doable by defining terms in the beginning - those usually allow for multiple vs. single and you should just be able to define multiple as empty.
I can have a look if you can't figure that out.
- the last point isn't possible.
The only other issue I see is for people with hyphenated first names. They should be included in the bibliography as "C.-P.", but right now it's just the first initial "C.".
I'm also having trouble figuring out how to upload the csl file. I'm new to contributing to open source, and none of the help files seem to have step-by-step instructions.
if you want I can upload it for you - put it on and post the address here
I could also check out the page issue for you.
If you want to do it yourself (and it is kind of fun...) you first need to get trac/SVN access:
Then you probably want an SVN frontend. On Windows people use Tortoise SVN, about which Rintze has posted here:
On Ubuntu Linux I use RabbitVCS, which works pretty much the same way and integrates nicely with Nautilus. I'm not sure what the Mac solution is, but I'm sure there is one.
On Mac and Linux SVN also works nicely of the command line if you're so inclined, you'll find plenty of tutorials online.
it often takes a little time, yes.
And the Import/Export discussion is at: