mac for word 2008 plugin does not work
just tried to install zotero on my collegues mac. zotero works but the word integration does not. zotero does not show up in the scritping menu. i read myself through your site and the problem seems to be that nothing gets installed into the script folder. i tried to follow the suggestions for non-english versions to look for the english-named folder and copy the zotero stuff to the (in my case) german folder. unfortunatly the english folder does not exist.
any workarounds? can i do this by hand? which files from the firefox-addon folder do i have to copy where?
thanks in advance,
just tried to install zotero on my collegues mac. zotero works but the word integration does not. zotero does not show up in the scritping menu. i read myself through your site and the problem seems to be that nothing gets installed into the script folder. i tried to follow the suggestions for non-english versions to look for the english-named folder and copy the zotero stuff to the (in my case) german folder. unfortunatly the english folder does not exist.
any workarounds? can i do this by hand? which files from the firefox-addon folder do i have to copy where?
thanks in advance,
1. installed firefox. latest version, official osx build.
2. installed latest zotero extension from the zotero homepage. everything looks normal.
3. imported endnote library. looks good.
4. installed the pythonext from restarted firefox. looks normal
5. installed the word for mac plugin. install was normal but no questions were asked.
6. restarted word 2008. looked at the script menu, no zotero stuff there.
7. found this page: first tried to reinstall the component using the firefox-extension. nothing happend. (really. no message of success/failure whatsoever...).
8. found the german word-folder. found the script-folder inside of it (the scripts i saw in the script menu were all there, so i think it is the correct folder.). zotero was not there. no other word-folder is there.
9. tried to install the component using the install script found in the extension folder under "install". the script completed without errors but did not change anything on the harddrive.
10. searched for *zotero* and *Zotero* to get a clue where the script might have installed the files. no results that looked like a word-script.
11. gave up and posted the problem in this forum ;-)
do you need any further details?
tried to generate a report id but couldnt because the "report error" menu item is grayed out. tried that several times... did not change anything.
i also tried to delete the "Microsoft User Data" folder (the german aquivalent, of course). this didnt change anything as well. i also created an english version of the "Microsoft User Data" folder (while the german version was deleted). that also didnt change anything. when i try to reinstall the word component, no files get written anywhere. i also did a search using "find" from the terminal at all stages of me trying to get this working. nothing reasonable showed up, especially no new files called "*Zotero*" or "*Microsoft*".
anything else i can do? maybe i can just copy some files to the right folders manually?
thanks and greetings,
tell application "Finder" to file "Microsoft" of folder "Microsoft Office 2008" of (path to applications folder)
(Double-click three times to select the whole line above to copy.)
What's the output when you run it?
run script "application id \"com.Microsoft.Word\""
It should start up Word 2008.
application file "Microsoft" of folder "Microsoft Office 2008" of folder "Applications" of startup disk of application "Finder"
if i try to run what you wrote in your last post, it complains about not finding "run".
any more ideas?
Create folders for ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Word Script Menu Items (in English) and then run the following in Script Editor:
tell application "Finder" to set scriptMenuItemsFolder to (folder "Word Script Menu Items" of folder "Microsoft User Data" of (path to documents folder)) as alias
If you created the directory properly, that should return a colon-separated path to the directory you just created. And if that works, try running the installation script again. It should create a Zotero directory within Word Script Menu Items containing the requisite files.
thanks a lot! made my collegue very happy!