Not grab number of pages in google books

When i try to grab the info about a book in google books. Zotero not grab automatically the number of pages. And i need to do this manually. It's similar when i try to grab the info from MARC description of a library.

Version of zotero -- 2.0b7.6
  • An updated Google Books translator that fixes this has been pushed to clients. Your copy of Zotero should auto-update within 24 hours, or you can update manually by clicking Update Now in the General pane of the Zotero prefs.

    If you're seeing this in other places, please provide specifics.
  • edited January 12, 2010
    Thank you for info!

    It's same problem for russian state library:

    It's not grab number of pages in "standard mode". And when i switch to MARC, it's still not grab.

    With MARC21:

    UPDATE: it's not grab the number of pages in Library of congress also (with MARC tags neither).

    Full record of "Aspects of the theory of syntax":,40&hd=1,0&SEQ=20100112063516&Search_Arg=Chomsky&Search_Code=NAME%40&CNT=100&type=quick&PID=-lNK_olTvynIB_sAsqTVqtjM3gwD&SID=1

    MARC tags of "Aspects of the theory of syntax":,40&hd=1,0&SEQ=20100112063554&Search_Arg=Chomsky&Search_Code=NAME%40&CNT=100&type=quick&PID=EyaBUptterRqpLLRTt5SypgnlEMX&SID=1
  • An updated MARC translator is now available.
  • So fast! :) Thank you! I will test.
  • I've updated my zotero. It's ok for grabbing data from russian state library and libarary of congress.

    But, zotero grab the incorrect number of pages from google books:

    google books # pages: 445
    zotero pages: 500
  • Google is returning the wrong number of pages via their API:

    <dc:format>500 pages</dc:format>
  • ok. i will use the library of congress, to be sure.

    it's occure sometimes in googlebooks for not all books, for example for this it's grabed perfectly.

    I will report to google support, i think...
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