Not grab number of pages in google books
When i try to grab the info about a book in google books. Zotero not grab automatically the number of pages. And i need to do this manually. It's similar when i try to grab the info from MARC description of a library.
Version of zotero -- 2.0b7.6
Version of zotero -- 2.0b7.6
If you're seeing this in other places, please provide specifics.
It's same problem for russian state library:
It's not grab number of pages in "standard mode". And when i switch to MARC, it's still not grab.
With MARC21:
UPDATE: it's not grab the number of pages in Library of congress also (with MARC tags neither).
Full record of "Aspects of the theory of syntax":,40&hd=1,0&SEQ=20100112063516&Search_Arg=Chomsky&Search_Code=NAME%40&CNT=100&type=quick&PID=-lNK_olTvynIB_sAsqTVqtjM3gwD&SID=1
MARC tags of "Aspects of the theory of syntax":,40&hd=1,0&SEQ=20100112063554&Search_Arg=Chomsky&Search_Code=NAME%40&CNT=100&type=quick&PID=EyaBUptterRqpLLRTt5SypgnlEMX&SID=1
But, zotero grab the incorrect number of pages from google books:
google books # pages: 445
zotero pages: 500
<dc:format>500 pages</dc:format>
it's occure sometimes in googlebooks for not all books, for example for this it's grabed perfectly.
I will report to google support, i think...