pdf (or odt)

edited 5 days ago

is there a way to edit spelling errors in Dokuments (PDF, ODT) which I opend as a child of a book?

What's the reload button for if it does not reload the associated newly edited document? Do I have to delete (move to trash) the appended document and redo all highlightning after I edited a misspelling in the original document?

Is there an easier way to deal with edited documents?
  • If you edit attached files and make sure you actually save to the file stored in (or linked to) Zotero, those edits will be reflected in the attachment when you open it in Zotero.

    There is no reload button in Zotero (I'm guessing you refer to the round sync error at the top right? That is, as the hover-over says, for sync not for reloading).

    For small edits, any highlights in Zotero should keep working, though I don't believe they will update to reflect corrected spelling (you'd have to test this).

    Beyond this, it's easier if you ask questions about specific things you are seeing/doing rather than abstractly -- as you've probably figured out by now, you're using Zotero in a fairly uncommon way. That's fine, of course, but that means that you'll want to say what exactly you're actually doing and/or trying to do rather than framing things as general questions. That way we know what we're actually answering to.
  • Ok, found, there is a copy of my original document in ~/Zotero/storage/xyz/doc.odt
    (which is unfortunate, because now I have the document in two versions, with and without errors which I now have to manage manually).
    After editing that file one loses the highlighted parts in which text has been edited, which is not nice .... but acceptable as it seams unavoidable.

    So this part is somehow "solved" (as in understood).

    The reloadbutton I refere to is the one in Zoteros ebook reader. If it would/could reload the original document, not the one stored in Zotero, that would be handy and avoid the difference of versions.

    If my use of Zotero is uncommon, that's discouraging because it makes me assume that maybe the shortcomings may exceed the use in the short and in the long run; but moreover, if a digital biblioghraphy software does focus on digital sources in a way that omits the needs of people which work with physical sources, that's a terrible pity.
    I am still struggling with how to make zotero of use for my work.

    Regarding my questions being framed as general questions, I am not sure how I could be more specific with this question here, but I will try to be as specific as I can with future questions (which will come up shortly).

    Thanks for your patience.
  • edited 5 days ago
    There is no reload button in Zotero's PDF or epub reader, so still not sure what you're referring to.
    Even if there was, Zotero has no concept or memory of the origins of a file stored in Zotero (you can link to files instead if you prefer). If you are working with attachments in Zotero and want to change those, just open those files directly (e.g. using "Show file" then another PDF reader), not their copy on your hard drive.
    if a digital biblioghraphy software does focus on digital sources in a way that omits the needs of people which work with physical sources, that's a terrible pity.
    You somehow picked up a 17 year old post from Elena (who still uses Zotero actively to this day, btw.) and ran with this idea -- Zotero is used by plenty of people who use a lot of print sources and is quite good for that purpose.
    But when we work with print books or other print sources and take notes, most of us just use Zotero's increasingly powerful note editor -- we don't take the notes in another tool, then convert them to a third format, then load them in Zotero and annotate them again. As I said, though, it's fine if you want to use Zotero differently; it's a flexible tool. Just don't be super taken aback when something you think should work a certain way, doesn't.
  • Before I answer, please let me know how I cite parts of a posting here on this site. Thanks.
  • The forum takes basic html tags like <blockquote>, <code>, <i>, <b>, etc.
  • edited 5 days ago
    The forum takes basic html tags
    Thanks for the info.
    There is no reload button in Zotero's PDF or epub reader, so still not sure what you're referring to.
    If I open the document associated with a book and make a right click in the epub window the upper part shows a menue with clickable options. One option is "neu laden", german for Reload.
    (you can link to files instead if you prefer)
    Ok, thanks for that info, too. I did not understand what this option was for, now I do.
    You somehow picked up a 17 year old post from Elena ... and ran with this idea
    I searched for info on how to make use of my LO-notes and found an old, but related. posting.
    But when we work with print books or other print sources and take notes, most of us just use Zotero's increasingly powerful note editor
    That is what I will do (und unsuccessfully tried this afternoon) for the books I will read and work with from now on!
    But as already stated, I have notes from the before-zotero aera. And I was hoping for a smart solution to integrate them.

    I watched YT videos to find out how to convert (?) annotations to notes. My expectation (may be my wrong expectation?) is that each single highlighted area should become a separate note, does it? And to avoid misunderstandings: attachment refers to the whole document, annotation to a single highlighted part?

    The explanations I found on YT all referred to older versions (I use 7.0.14 on Debian) I could not find a menue item to import or whatever the annotations to notes. (And by the way, the colorless older versions seemed selfexplanatory whereas the new version with colored icons does not add info but distraction in this regard). Anyway, I could not find out how to do this.

    I could find how to write a note, and finaly I dared to search for the item in this citation pop-up window. But I was confused and initially convinced of doing something wrong because I could not imagine being asked for an item when the citation belonged by initial selection to the parent item.
    What I definitly could not figure out was how and where to add the related page number? I am completely lost.

    And BTW, I obviously see the note editor, I do not see a note pane (as shown in many docs or videos, most likely explaining older versions).

    Thanks again for your patience.


    Ok, part one I could solve:

    One can attatch an *.odt file, and highlight it in the epub reader. It will not give you a full context menue, no way to edit page numbers. Works with *.pdf. But it would be super helpfull to
    1) make the page number directly editable (for single annotations only) in the context popup window
    2) or at least remember the last selection (annotation/page/pp)

    But still no clue how to convert, if that's the right expression, an annotation to a note, no clue.


    It was due to me using a *odt. It works in the epub reader, but not really in zotero. therefor the notice button didn't seam to work, works now with pdf.

  • My expectation (may be my wrong expectation?) is that each single highlighted area should become a separate note, does it? (...) I could not find a menue item to import or whatever the annotations to notes.
    People work differently with notes, but no, I don't think the expectation is that you have one note per annotation and most people don't (I believe if your only goal is to treat the add note functionality as quote management, i.e. insert literal quotations with page numbers, this is currently the only way, though I think there may be plans to add the ability to cite annotations directly -- all of this is pretty new and actively evolving functionality).

    That said, you can convert annotations to notes in three ways:

    1. While looking at a document with annotations: Go to the notes pane on the right (that's the yellow note icon at the bottom of the right-side pane). Click on the + icon next to "Item Notes" and select "Add item note from annotations" which will put all annotations on an item into a single item note.

    2. Have an item note open on the right (that you previously created or you can create one under the same + icon), then select any number of annotations in the annotation pane on the left, right-click --> Add to note (one nice way to use this is e.g. to have annotations with different colors in different notes).

    3. Similarly, have an item note open on the right and then directly right-click on an annotation in the reader and click Add to note.
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