Author names should not appear as et al.

Hello, author names do not appear as et al for more than two authors. I tried to change it via the program but it did not work. I am having a hard time using Zotero .I do not know what to do. Can you help me on how to do it?
  • edited 14 days ago
    This is probably determined by the citation style. Which one are you using in your document?
    It can also be useful to post a screenshot of the reference as it appears in Zotero itself: the authors might not be recorded optimally.
  • I dont think so, but I'm using APA 7th edition.

  • It's unclear from your description which part of "using Zotero" you're struggling with. So for mor concrete help we need more concrete descriptions.

    What could be your issue though is that you actually did NOT set the style in your document. A style is set per document. So in Word, go to the Zotero tab and under "Document Preferences" set APA.
  • Ok I understand, APA 7 is already selected in Word. The problem I am experiencing is that it does not appear as et al in citations with more than 2 authors. I think this problem can be fixed by editing in the program, but I tried and failed. Do you know how to edit in the program?
  • Okay, I did it. Thank you so very much. I edited via program about authors name and et al.
  • APA WILL certainly shorten in-text citations to (Miller et al. 2007).

    Do not change things manually around as that will give you other issues later on.
    Make sure that the metadata in your Zotero library has each author in a separate line, not all in one field. That can happen on import sometimes.
    Otherwise, as I said before, we need more information. Screenshots help.
  • Okey, Thanks
  • @ezgi_1 if you're referring to in-text citations, Zotero absolutely shortens with "et al." for more than two authors. If you're referring to the references at the end of your paper (AKA bibliography), you never use et al. If there are up to twenty authors, they are written out. If there are more than that, you write out the first 19 then an ellipsis (...) without ampersand (&) and the final author's name.

    Also, I had a class with someone named Ezgi. Are you attending Brock University?
  • Thank you very much. I solved the problem. No, I’m not attending Brock University.
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