Zotero could not perform this action (Rosetta)


When I was trying to add a citation in Word, it came to me with this information. But before I could add the other citations normally in the same document. I'm sure I have cancelled the Rosetta and reinstalled the Word, but the problem still appears.

Zotero could not perform this action.
In your Applications folder, select Microsoft Word, go to File → Get Info, and make sure “Open in Rosetta” is unchecked.
If you continue to have trouble, it may help to delete Microsoft Word and reinstall it.

  • Does it work if you restart your Mac?
  • This message is still displayed after restarting the mac. It cannot run
  • Is the "Open in Rosetta" checkbox checked for you in the Info pane for Word?
  • Hi, I have the same problem. Did you solve this?
  • edited 28 days ago
    Start by making sure you're running Zotero 7.
  • I also encountered this issue, but my machine is an Intel-based Mac, and there is no "Open in Rosetta" option. I wonder if Zotero no longer supports non-Apple Silicon Macs?

    macOS 15.3.1
    Zotero 7.0.13
  • edited 3 days ago
    @wwk7225: No, Zotero still supports Intel Macs. If you're getting the above message after restarting your computer, there may be some problem with your Word installation, and you should try deleting Word and reinstalling.
  • edited 2 days ago
    @dstillman: Thanks, it worked after reinstalling Word and the Word add-in (Zotero 7.0.13).

    Additionally, I tried Zotero 7.1-beta.20+b78bf8e24, but the Word add-in did not respond when clicked, and reinstalling the Word add-in did not help. Reverting to the non-beta version allowed it to function normally.
  • @wwk7225: If you start a new thread for the beta issue, we can troubleshoot that. But make sure you've seen this section — you have to make sure the Zotero toolbar is gone from Word before reinstalling, to confirm that you're actually using the new version.
  • @dstillman: Thanks, the issue has been resolved. I believe this might be due to the third-party plugin `Easier Citation` not being compatible with Zotero 7.1 beta 20. Disabling this plugin allows it to work properly.
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