Unable to access pdfs in Zotero - file sync error

I am having difficulty accessing pdfs of journal articles in Zotero.

I can search, and make changes to the library, but when I click on an 'entry' nothing happens.

I am able to use the menu for the file, and 'show in finder' to access the pdf file, however, I cannot view it from Zotero.

This seems to be because of a 'file sync error' which is repeatedly occurring - the full text of which is below. When I try to submit this, however, I get an 'Error' message saying 'Invalid response from repository'.

There seems to be a connection issue, but other network / internet services are unaffected.

I am using a MacBook Air (M1 2020) running Zotero 7.0.13.

I am connecting through an Eduroam wifi network provided by a university. I am not using any proxies for WiFi access.

The error message I am receiving is as follows:

[JavaScript Error: "The connection was refused when attempting to contact wss://stream.zotero.org/." {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/streamer.js" line: 155}]

[JavaScript Error: "WebSocket connection closed: 1006 "]

[JavaScript Error: "Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection."]

[JavaScript Error: "Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection."]

[JavaScript Error: "Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection."]

[JavaScript Error: "Error connecting to server. Check your Internet connection."]

[JavaScript Error: "S3 returned 0 for 1/RYZITPM9 -- retrying download" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/storage/zfs.js" line: 177}]
Zotero.Sync.Storage.Mode.ZFS.prototype.downloadFile Zotero, version => 7.0.13 (ARM64), os => macOS 15.3.1, locale => en-GB, extensions =>

  • Can you try on a different internet connection (even a wireless hotspot from your phone would work) for testing?
  • Yes - pairing with my mobile phone hotspot seems to work.

    This is (obviously) suggests there is a problem with the connection to the eduroam WiFi network.

    From the error message, can you tell if this is simply because of connectivity (perhaps fluctuating), or is there an issue with the network itself?
  • Almost certainly with the network. If you create a debug output for triggering a sync or trying to open a file that's not available, copy the debug into a text file and sent it to support@zotero.org with a link to this thread (you should try submitting it to, and if that works you can just post the debug ID here, but I'd expect that to fail, too), Zotero devs might be able to say more
  • Yes - unfortunately I cannot submit the error automatically as that fails under the connection as well.

    I will try an email.
  • (make sure to send debug output -- see the link -- not just the error messages)
  • edited 3 days ago

    Need to find a way to email that across as the compressed file is preventing.
  • edited 3 days ago
    Debug output for Zotero startup might also be helpful, but all of Zotero's network requests appear to be being blocked at the DNS level (resulting in NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST errors).
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