Style Request: [Bristol University Press and Policy Press Journals] ]
I need to use the "Bristol University Press and Policy Press Journals" style for an upcoming article, but it is not available in the Zotero repository. Note that it might be the same as "University of the West of England (Bristol) - Harvard", but I'm not sure. Thanks!
Here is more information about the style:
Download the Endnote output style for Bristol University Press and Policy Press Journals.
A custom version of the Harvard system of referencing is used:
In-text citations: give the author’s surname followed by year of publication in brackets, e.g. (Smith 1999) or (Smith et al. 1999)
List all references in full at the end of the article and remove any references not cited in the text
All authors should be listed
Book and journal titles should be in italics
Website details should be placed at the end of the reference. Do not include dates of access to websites
Spell out all acronyms in the first instance.
Example of book reference:
Dorling, D. (2010) Injustice: Why social inequality persists, Bristol: Policy Press.
Example of journal reference:
Guckert, M., Mastropieri, M.A., Scruggs, T.E. (2016) 'Personalizing research: Special educators’ awareness of evidence-based practice', Exceptionality, 24(2): 63-78.
Example of chapter within edited / multi-authored publication:
Levitas, R. (2011) 'Utopia calling: Eradicating child poverty in the United Kingdom and beyond', in A. Minujin and S. Nandy (eds), Global Child Poverty and Well-being: Measurement, concepts, policy and action, Bristol: Policy Press. pp 449–73.
Example of website reference:
Womensaid (2016) What is domestic abuse?,
Here is more information about the style:
Download the Endnote output style for Bristol University Press and Policy Press Journals.
A custom version of the Harvard system of referencing is used:
In-text citations: give the author’s surname followed by year of publication in brackets, e.g. (Smith 1999) or (Smith et al. 1999)
List all references in full at the end of the article and remove any references not cited in the text
All authors should be listed
Book and journal titles should be in italics
Website details should be placed at the end of the reference. Do not include dates of access to websites
Spell out all acronyms in the first instance.
Example of book reference:
Dorling, D. (2010) Injustice: Why social inequality persists, Bristol: Policy Press.
Example of journal reference:
Guckert, M., Mastropieri, M.A., Scruggs, T.E. (2016) 'Personalizing research: Special educators’ awareness of evidence-based practice', Exceptionality, 24(2): 63-78.
Example of chapter within edited / multi-authored publication:
Levitas, R. (2011) 'Utopia calling: Eradicating child poverty in the United Kingdom and beyond', in A. Minujin and S. Nandy (eds), Global Child Poverty and Well-being: Measurement, concepts, policy and action, Bristol: Policy Press. pp 449–73.
Example of website reference:
Womensaid (2016) What is domestic abuse?,
See style guide on this journal which holds for their others:
Key in-text difference is that page references are styled as (Author, 2025: xxx) rather than (Author, 2025,
For bibliographies, the journal style is incorrect. Volume/issue number/page referenece should be 29(1): 178-191 rather than 29(1), 178-191, with doi following after a full stop/period rather than a comma.
Place of publication for books etc should not be included.
Other issues I have noticed include the full date not being included for items such as newspaper articles, and URLs not being included for blogposts or webpages.
I do not see anywhere in their guidelines that a website or newspaper should have a full d-m-y date.
PR made:
I also could have been clearer: newspaper articles that are online sources seem to have an accessed on date included, based on looking at published articles. A handful of other items have a day and month included on them. Blogs and websites seem to always include the URL. But you are right this isn't listed in the author instructions, so I understand your hesitancy.
Thanks for making the pull request.