Magic wand and Chrome Connector not working for months

It’s been months now since the magic wand feature hasn’t worked at all for me with DOI and ISBN, regardless of the books or articles I try to save to my library. I always get the same error message: "Zotero could not find a record for the specified ID. Please check the ID and try again." (The wording might not be exact, as I translated it from the French version of Zotero.)

I’m also experiencing a similar issue with the Zotero Connector: PDFs haven’t been saving to my library for a couple of months. The article or book itself is added to my library, but the PDF upload consistently fails. I checked the connector settings, and it seems like the Automatic File Import options are missing entirely [see image].

Any help would be greatly appreciated! These features aren’t essential, but they really speed up my workflow, so I’d love to get them working again. Thank you!
  • We always need example identifiers and URLs for problems with saving. We'd also want a Debug ID from Zotero for an Add Item by Identifier attempt and another from Zotero for reloading the page in your browser and saving without a PDF.

    (There's nothing wrong with the settings.)
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