Interface change - Make the option for multiple simultaneous DOI lookups more clear

I was trying to auto-download the papers for over 200 DOIs at once, and must have tried about seven different things before someone suggested just pasting them all into Zotero's DOI lookup. I'd never done more than one at a time before, so it had never occurred to me (or my university's librarians, for that matter) to even try it!

To my surprise, I was able to paste the entire column of DOIs right out of the spreadsheet into the DOI lookup, and both the entries and their papers were downloaded soon enough. A big win for Zotero!

I would have come to this realization a lot sooner if the DOI lookup field were more than one line tall. It would be very helpful to make this multiple-lookup capability more visually apparent. If there is a limit on the number of simultaneous lookups, it would be great to convey that as well.
  • edited March 1, 2025
    At least the method is described in the documentation:
    To add more than one item, separate identifiers by spaces, commas, or line breaks.
  • Well, that is good to know. But a good interface supersedes the need for an instruction manual. That's the power of intuitive design.
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