Cannot find item to solve error "Invalid data error for item 8MTZKE9E in My Library"

Upon upgrading from 6.x to 7.0.11 I get a sync error for one specific item - at least that is how I read the debug file. However, I cannot find that item anywhere. Not by searching in Zotero, and not on the disk (Zotero/storage).
I checked all groups one by one, and all Trash folders are empty.

I tried searching in the cloud library (browser version) but there one cannot search for item IDs at all, it seems.
Any ideas on how to find this faulty item?

Full error: [JavaScript Error: "Invalid data error for item 8MTZKE9E in My Library: Invalid field 'reportNumber' for type dataset" {file: "chrome://zotero/content/xpcom/sync/syncLocal.js" line: 1118}]

Submitted (by accident) as debug ID D1754549111
  • edited February 4, 2025
    It's an item in your online library. This should be fixed in the latest Zotero beta. You could sync once with that and switch back to 7.0.11 or wait for the next Z7 release.
  • Conforming that this has been fixed in 7.0.13 (windows, 32 bit)
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