Maintain in-text citation superscript even when style is not
Hi everyone,
It seems like the style I'm using is not the in-text supserscript format but I want it in superscript. So, every time I insert a new citation, all the previous ones that I've manually made superscript are changed.
Any solutions to this?
Thank you.
It seems like the style I'm using is not the in-text supserscript format but I want it in superscript. So, every time I insert a new citation, all the previous ones that I've manually made superscript are changed.
Any solutions to this?
Thank you.
But if you want to stick with the Elsevier style, you'll need to modify it yourself to this:
<citation collapse="citation-number">
<key variable="citation-number"/>
<layout vertical-align="sup" delimiter=",">
<text variable="citation-number"/>
Read this first(!) or it won't work: