Why? Citation items are not sorted correctly

edited 19 days ago
Is this an error in Zotero? For the same sort lines, the sorting behavior in bibliography is correct, but it is wrong for citation section.

The same

<key variable="language" sort="descending"/>
<key macro="issuedYear" sort="ascending" />

in both citation and bibliography sections.

The bibliography items are sorted by language and then by year correctly. I.e. sorted in the ascending order of year within Chinese and English groups.

But the citation items are not. It only sorts into Chinese and English groups, and does not perform the <key macro="issuedYear" sort="ascending" /> .


I tried many times, also from new blank Word files, but still the same.

Why does this happen? What is wrong? Thanks a lot.

If it is useful to show the macro:

<macro name="issuedYear">
<if variable="issued">
<date variable="issued" date-parts="year" form="numeric"/>

  • I just tested this out and it works for me.
    Can you share your complete style via pastebin.com or similar and put the link here?
  • Multiple layouts aren't officially supported in Zotero (they only work because of unofficial support for csl-m, a variant of CSL), so I'm afraid you're likely on your own on this. Do make sure you have languages entered uniformly.
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