"Adding notes to attachments is no longer supported"

A follow up of https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/118116. I have upgraded to Zotero 7.0.8, but why "adding notes to attachments is no longer supported, but you can edit this note by migrating it to a separate note"?? This is a serious compatibility issue, because I add notes to attachments very frequently - more frequently than on a daily basis.

@dstillman, Could you please restore this functionality??
  • No, sorry. You can convert existing "embedded attachment notes" to regular child notes on the parent item. Those are the main way notes are used in Zotero, and those are what you should use going forward.

    You can also add note annotations from within the PDF reader, which will show up under the attachment in the items list in a future version.
  • edited 16 days ago
    For my use case, I always need to save redundant information to one single Zotero item, for example, when I save a webpage, I always archive it at web.archive.org, then after using Zotero connector to save the original webpage with snapshot/attachment, I always need to copy and paste the web.archive.org's URL (and some other information including personal comments) to the snapshot/attachment's note. This was very straightforward and convenient in Zotero 6, because when I click to select a snapshot or attachment, the note of that attachment is already in the right panel, so I simply paste extra or backup information such as web.archive.org's URL to the note. But this is no longer possible in Zotero 7.

    So how can I do this at least similarly in Zotero 7??

    By the way, I couldn't save snapshot from web.archive.org using Zotero connector: it will create an item in Zotero, but the webpage's snapshot was never saved into Zotero. Could you please debug this? Thanks.

    Update: I tested adding some note annotations to the saved web page's snapshot, and when I single-click on the webpage's snapshot to select it, I can see a list of note annotations on the right panel. This is somehow similar to viewing the notes added to an attachment as in Zotero 6 and before, *however*, I cannot edit or copy the information from the note annotations in the right panel, instead, I have to double click on the web page's snapshot to open it in a tab or window, and then click the note annotations on the left panel in order to edit or copy some information from them. So could you please make the note annotations editable or copiable from the right panel when single-clicking to select a snapshot or attachment?
  • edited 16 days ago
    You can add any number of attachments to a parent item, including Web Links and Item Notes:

    The URL should appear on the Snapshot attachment if you have imported it from the browser:

    Could you illustrate with screenshots to explain if this would not work for you?

    There is a translator for web.archive.org.
    Have you checked the option to attach snapshots when importing from web pages?
    Otherwise, you will need to provide more information, following these instructions: https://www.zotero.org/support/troubleshooting_translator_issues
  • edited 15 days ago
    I understand that I can add any number of attachments to a parent item, but what I need is the ability to add comments and extra information specific to each of the attachments, since I can't simply add a lot of separate notes without recording which attachment it is referring or linked to. In Zotero 6, I can add arbitrary information conveniently on the right panel when single-clicking on an attachment, because each attachment has its own embedded note (which is a blank note by default), but this is impossible and no longer supported on Zotero 7. As I explained, a walkaround could be adding the ability to directly edit annotation of an attachment or webpage snapshot on the right panel when single-clicking on them, like the screenshot below
    In Zotero 6 and before, the space in the right panel occupied by "Annotation" in Zotero 7 (as in the screenshot above) is a large space for adding and editing attachment's note - specific to that attachment only, but in Zotero 7 as in the screenshot above, there are no notes and it's impossible to add notes, instead, I can add annotations, but to edit or even simply copy some information from the annotation, I have to double click the attachment/snapshot to open it it a tab, so that the annotation can be shown in the left panel for me to edit it or copy some information:

    I've generated a Debug ID for the translator issue; see https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/121974/
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