Hide certain info fields

Hey all,

Is there a way to hide certain info fields? Rarely do my references have, say, a Library Catalog or Call Number. It would be nice to not clog up the Info pane with mostly empty fields.

  • Not currently, no.
  • Totally agree, but they have a comment from 2015 about adding a feature to hide unused items soon and still in 2021 nothing has happened. So sadly I think, there is not much hope in getting a feature to hide unused fields :/
  • Depending on difficulty or priorities, features can take many years; that's not at all unusual and doesn't mean they won't eventually happen.
  • +1. Many similar programs hide all empty fields unless you are in an Edit mode. I would like to see this behavior in Zotero.
  • +1. I would also welcome the option to hide unused fields, especially the item type "journal article" has way too many unused fields.
  • edited February 14, 2025
    +1 yes a simple toggle to collapse or hide unused fields so some other tab (like the attachment) can be visible without the need to scroll
  • +1 The default setting should be set to "No Show" emtpy fields. For editing the fields, the already existing function "Expand All" can be used.

    If one regards the wider context, the whole concept of setting different fields for different Item Types becomes obsolete. (Which I personally think positive. )
    The Item Type could become a simple descriptor (like a tag), and all fields are always open to be filled.
    This will have more benefits:
    - the fields which are accessible for a given Item Type are presently rather arbitrary. This will vanish. (Why does the Item Type Document NOT allow number of pages? )
    -new item types can be easily added, such as "Manual", "Prompt", "IFU" or other categories useful to the user
    - bulk changes or copy-paste (like with Zutilo) can be implemented

    Right now the behaviour is very annoying because it distracts and wastes desktop acreage.
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