Translator for APS-Physics importing the wrong PDF file and DOI
The Physics Magazine publishes reports on papers from the Physical Review journals. Each report has its own metadata, PDF file and DOI (though a bit hidden).
- Beer, S. de, & Müser, M. H. (2012). Surface Folds Make Tears and Chips. Physics, 5, 100.
- URL:
- PDF file:
- DOI: 10.1103/physics.5.100
However, for some reason, the translator decides to import the PDF file and the DOI of the Physical Review article it is covering.
In the example above:
- PDF file:
- DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.106001
Is it possible to fix?
- Beer, S. de, & Müser, M. H. (2012). Surface Folds Make Tears and Chips. Physics, 5, 100.
- URL:
- PDF file:
- DOI: 10.1103/physics.5.100
However, for some reason, the translator decides to import the PDF file and the DOI of the Physical Review article it is covering.
In the example above:
- PDF file:
- DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.106001
Is it possible to fix?
For some reasons, it decides to download the PDF file of the PRL article:
Instead of the PDF file of the article:
It also uses the DOI of the PRL article: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.112.257401
Instead of the DOI of the article: 10.1103/physics.7.68
Zotero Connector: The Debug ID is D1135691562.
Zotero Desktop: Debug ID D352153942
Even the Add Item by Identifier with the DOI 10.1103/physics.7.68 downloads the wrong PDF file.
Is it possible to fix this problem?
Zotero 7.1-beta.12+8e0852799 (64-bit)
Zotero Connector: 5.0.151
Firefox 135.0 (64-bit)
Windows 10