New Hart's Rules: Oxford Style Guide (author-date)

Hello! When I add several archival documents from the same author and year, the author-date reference in the text does not distinguish between these. There are different documents in the bibliography but there is no way to distinguish which one I refer to in the text (usually it would be NAME 1974a, NAME 1974b, NAME 1974c). Any ideas what to do? Thank you!
  • The style should actually add names to disambiguate, but for some reason that's not working for me.

    Can you tell us what the guidelines say about how disambiguated citations should look like? We don't have access to the guidelines. If you could take a screenshot and post it here, that'd be fantastic.
  • The guidelines say YEARa, YEARb, YEARc; THANK YOU!!!
  • Could you post a screenshot of the relevant section, as requested?
  • edited 8 days ago
    The style guide does not provide any specific details about this, so I cannot post a screenshot. But the publisher informed me that they require it and I also need because otherwise readers cannot distinguish the sources.
  • First you say the "guidelines say...." then you say "style guide does not provide any specific details" and now another person posts a screenshot from some document. All very confusing.
  • edited 7 days ago
    Haha, it is not "some document", it is from the style guide. I have no stake in this but this is not true the style does not mention it...

    Waddingham, Anne. New Hart’s Rules: The Oxford Style Guide. 2nd ed. 2005. Reprint, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014.
  • I kept the information short because I did not think it was relevant here because I simply would like to understand why Zotero does not provide this in the style: I asked the publisher and I was referring to their email. My problem is not so much the bibliography but the in-text citation, which are connected, I know that. The style guide does not specificy how the in-text citation should distinguish the authors but of course it is implied in the styleguide section about how bibliographies
  • The style guide does cover this (p. 342). But it also accepts many citation styles, so I would just pick an existing complete Havard variant and go with that.
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