adding DOI links in bibliography based on journal of the reference

edited May 11, 2020

I have instructions to use the Nature Communications style, and add DOIs to online-only publications. Currently, when using this style I cannot manage to show DOIs or URLs for any reference in the bibliography despite ticking the 'Include URLs of paper articles in references' box in the Zotero preferences... I definitely have this information in the entries in my Zotero library though. Do you know what could be the problem...?

- How can I modify the style to show this information (DOIs preferrable to URLs)
- Is it at all possible to create a rule to do this for online-only publications selectively?

I'm using the word plug-in, Office professional plus 2010 and Zotero 5.0.85

  • edited May 11, 2020

    nature-communications.csl is just a dependent on the nature.csl style.

    The style is programmed to show the DOI only if the article does NOT have volume information (as a proxy that it is not in print, but just online).


    1. Campbell, J. L. & Pedersen, O. K. The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success. Comp. Polit. Stud. 40, 307–332 (2007).

    2. Campbell, J. L. & Pedersen, O. K. The Varieties of Capitalism and Hybrid Success COPY. Comp. Polit. Stud. (2007) doi:10.1177/0010414006286542.

    (side note for adamsmith: I think we have the style slightly wrong though. guidelines and a random example here shows the DOI as URL before the year:
    "3. Kim, S. et al. Experimental and theoretical insight into the soot tendencies of the methylcyclohexene isomers. Proc. Combust. Inst. (2018)." )
  • That makes sense.. although many online-only journals also organize their papers in volumes, including Nature Communications itself.. It is actually not clear to me when they really want a doi and when they don't in the reference (what they consider online-only, since published examples in nature communications dont seem to include dois for nature communication references). Thanks for the explanation though!
  • Hi, I have a similar problem but now there's a request to show to show DOI when there's no page number, even if there's already a volume number. How can I do this? Thanks in advance.
  • Please search the forum for the particular journal and add a post in a thread that makes sense or open a new thread. Hijacking threads, especially with no information (name of journal, link to guidelines, example paper...) is not the right way. Thank you.
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