Adding a new citation takes about 45 seconds (very long time)

Any ideas as to why this is the case?

I just get a solid red bar for about 20-30 seconds and then the blue upload indicator takes about 10-20 seconds before the footnote is uploaded.
  • Which word processor and OS, what size document?
  • Hi again Adam,

    Microsoft Word Version 16.93 for Mac

    Thanks so much,
  • Size as in how many pages and citations?

    Is it fast in a new, empty document?
  • 278 Pages.
    602 citations.

    It is a cut and paste compilation of my chapters from other documents all into one document.
  • You didn't answer my second question about an empty document.

    Mac Word integration is currently rather slow, so with a document of that size, you might have to wait a while to refresh the full document — potentially hours or overnight.

    For inserting citations, make sure that "Automatically update citations" is disabled in the plugin's Document Preferences window. That should make inserting citations much faster (after the first one in a session, which might still be slow). You'll need to do a single refresh at the end before submitting the document (though you might want to test one before your deadline just to make sure it's working).
  • I see what you're saying. Yes, this was taking about 45 seconds long even after an overnight sync.

    Thanks so much.
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