[Plugin Request] Journal Impact Factors Import
I can't code but for I have an idea for a plugin and I think it could be useful for many people.
Import a CSV file with the latest journal impact factors. Zotero matches the journal name with the impact factor values and populates them into new columns in Zotero: Impact factor "IF" and Impact Factor 5 years "IF5" (or h-index, or SCImago.... etc. etc.).
You should be able to overwrite the columns with an updated CSV file every year.
I got the idea from this plugin below but its no longer compatible with Zotero and hasn't been updated in a while. I also don't like that it populates in the "Extra" column
Import a CSV file with the latest journal impact factors. Zotero matches the journal name with the impact factor values and populates them into new columns in Zotero: Impact factor "IF" and Impact Factor 5 years "IF5" (or h-index, or SCImago.... etc. etc.).
You should be able to overwrite the columns with an updated CSV file every year.
I got the idea from this plugin below but its no longer compatible with Zotero and hasn't been updated in a while. I also don't like that it populates in the "Extra" column
For sure, many people might say that they like the idea, but what is the actual use case?
What I want is a plugin that tells me the Impact Factor and 5-year Impact Factor for a particular journal. I should be able to batch import them without me needing to manually go through each paper.
In simple words, the same way you have plugins that show the citation counts for a particular paper, I want to also be able to see the journal impact factors—the default 2-year IF and the 5-year IF. Hope this is clear.
Currently there are a few plugins that do this but they require an EasyScholar login which I can't have because I don't have a Chinese phone number
That's what I'm curious about, because I can't see the intended goal - and without this I can only offer objections (technical or logical, sometimes strongly opinionated, too), and that's certainly not the best way to discuss this request :-)
This isn't unique to me. Popular plugins like Green Frog and Ethereal Style already do this but they require chinese phone numbers. It would be nice if someone could make a similar plugin for the rest of the world
I know the interest in impact factors is very common, but it is often misguided in my opinion (which is the philosophical root of many objections of mine). With this out of the way, here are some technical challenges that I'm seeing, and possible ways to address them if someone is interested in developing the plugin:
- accessing the impact factor data: the full list is proprietary information. Access to the Journal Citation Reports https://clarivate.com/academia-government/scientific-and-academic-research/research-funding-analytics/journal-citation-reports/ could be a requirement, or someone could assemble a smaller dataset in CSV format using the IFs advertised by the journals themselves.
- depending on the source, there could be small differences in the journal titles between one's library and the IF data that will complicate matching. For articles with a DOI, it is probably better to match with the journal ISSN that can be found in the Crossref metadata.
- "populates them into new columns in Zotero": I think that's a non-starter, Zotero has no functionality for this as far as I am aware. Extra fields or notes are the places where custom data can be stored.
I think IFs have uses if they've been contextualized (just like any statistical metric). The reality is that society uses IFs. The same way a GPA is technically useless, it's still part of the system. But I agree that IFs should not be used uncritically. And if society gets rid of IFs eventually—I'm okay with that. But until it does, it's useful information from a practical standpoint.
Thanks for brainstorming this plugin with me. I don't understand the technical stuff which is why I'm hoping someone will design this for the community.
The "Ethereal Style" plugin creates a bunch of new columns in Zotero so that's what I was picturing. It has one called "IF" and "Publication tags" which shows the IF and SJR. The thing is it's just taking this information directly from "EasyScholar"... and there's no equivalent here.
If anyones interested in this idea I would check out that plugin and see if anything can be done. Sadly I'm not skilled enough to do it myself
It's always nice to learn something new, I didn't know that. Thanks!