Zotero intercepts downloads intended for EndNote

On Synergy (http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/) I downloaded the results of a search in EndNote citation format. Firefox told me the download was successful, but EndNote did nothing. I could not find the downloaded references. Later that day, I happened to be using Zotero. Lo and behold, the downloaded references were there.

To add injury to insult, I can't even export the Zotero library to EndNote (if I can ever figure out how to do this) and still get all the information I want. The download included abstracts, but so far I have not found a field for abstracts in Zotero.

Does anyone have ideas how to handle these problems?
  • Please see:

    You can export (under the gear icon) an RIS, which Endnote can import.
  • Marsh:

    See my comment elsewhere in the Zotero forum about working with abstracts at
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