Zotero intercepts downloads intended for EndNote
On Synergy (http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/) I downloaded the results of a search in EndNote citation format. Firefox told me the download was successful, but EndNote did nothing. I could not find the downloaded references. Later that day, I happened to be using Zotero. Lo and behold, the downloaded references were there.
To add injury to insult, I can't even export the Zotero library to EndNote (if I can ever figure out how to do this) and still get all the information I want. The download included abstracts, but so far I have not found a field for abstracts in Zotero.
Does anyone have ideas how to handle these problems?
To add injury to insult, I can't even export the Zotero library to EndNote (if I can ever figure out how to do this) and still get all the information I want. The download included abstracts, but so far I have not found a field for abstracts in Zotero.
Does anyone have ideas how to handle these problems?
You can export (under the gear icon) an RIS, which Endnote can import.
See my comment elsewhere in the Zotero forum about working with abstracts at