More than one month, magazine

I have the following magazine article I entered into Zotero:

Efran, J. S. (2024, May/June). Experiments in being someone else. Psychotherapy Networker, 50–53.

However, Zotero only recognizes one of the months, even though I put both in the date field. Zotero outputs the reference as follows:

Efran, J. S. (2024, June). Experiments in being someone else. Psychotherapy Networker, 50–53.

Is there a workaround for this?
  • Which citation style are you using?
  • The standard date field doesn't work for date ranges. Instead, enter into Extra
    issued: 2024-05/2024-06
    That will give you (2024, May-June), which is correct APA.
    The May/June notation is actually not for date ranges but for issue designations. You can get that to appear towards the end of the citation by entering May/June into the Issue field and just 2024 into date. Both are, of course, acceptable citations with little meaningful difference.
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