Zotero7's note picture attachment issues

When using zotero7 and inserting an image into a note, zotero seems to automatically save the image in the attachment folder "/storage", even if the image link is in url or markdown format. In that case, my image bed doesn't link well with zotero.And I can't see the images in the notes in Zotero Web Library.
Is there any solution for this problem?
  • And, when I delete the picture in the note, the picture in the attachment folder will not be deleted.
  • If attachments are synced to Zotero storage, the added images should be visible in the Web Library as well.

    If not, can you provide step-by-step instructions to reproduce the issue?
  • The way I synchronize my attachments is WebDAV, and I'd like to be able to see the images of my notes on any device by creating a link to the image bed on the notes, but zotero7 automatically downloads the image links to the attachments folder.
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