PDF text tool is not working correctly

In the PDF reader in Zotero 7, the text tools has many issues that make it really difficult to enter more than a few words of text.

1) the "size" slider in the toolbar doesn’t work (i.e., has no effect on text size)

2) pasting more than a few words extends the annotation off the page (doesn’t wrap text) and the page gets shifted in the "frame" of the pdf until the annotation is deleted

3) after resizing the box, it gets frequently restored to a weird size when typing additional text


Would it be possible to look into it.

  • Could you include screenshots so we can better understand the issues?
  • Here’s a video:

    I couldn’t reproduce #2 for some reason, but this shows 1 and 3.
  • edited February 5, 2025
    1. The slider is for creating new annotations. To modify the font size of an existing text annotation, right-click on it.
    3. The width is restored only when there is no text. If there is enough text to fill the line, the width will be preserved.
  • 1. For some reason now it’s working fine. It had no effect when I changed it previously. Maybe it was a bug or something. I’ll report back if this happens again.

    3. The problem with this is that sometimes the box resizes to a very small size, which triggers word wrapping (instead of making the box bigger). Generally, I’ve found this was making the text tool very difficult to use productively as I was spending so much time resizing it. If you could consider changing this behavior I think that would be much more user friendly.
  • Can you provide exact steps to reproduce issue #3, when it shrinks to a very small size?
  • Click on the text tool, click on the pdf reader to create text box, start typing, resize the box to e.g. a bigger size, continue typing → the box resizes to less than half the page, continue typing → text wraps instead of making the box get bigger.
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