It does not happen in troubleshooting mode. Moreover, in regular mode, it only happens in a group library, not in my main library. So what should I do next?
If it doesn't happen with all plugins disabled, you'll need to identify the plugin that's causing it and then report the problem to the plugin's developer.
What are the exact steps you're taking to trigger this? Can you make a screen recording and email it or send a link to with a link to this thread?
Got it — thanks. (And sorry, I realized we did look at it previously, but we haven't been able to figure out why that's happening for you.)
Can you install the Zotero beta and let us know if you're still seeing this?
Also, just to be sure, you're clicking once on the menu, right? It sounds like it from the video, but this behavior would happen if you double-clicked the menu item.
If so, can you provide a Debug ID for reproducing it?
(By the way, I was wrong about this not happening in my main library; it happens there too.)
Can you install the Zotero beta and let us know if you're still seeing this?
Also, just to be sure, you're clicking once on the menu, right? It sounds like it from the video, but this behavior would happen if you double-clicked the menu item.