Error trying to save PDF

D1227294313 is my debug ID, what does this mean
  • edited February 3, 2025
    There are some general problems saving PDFs from ScienceDirect that we're working on, but you should save from the article page, not the PDF, on ScienceDirect and all other supported sites.
  • ok, but even from the article page it does not save a pdf. it just saves a snapshot. is there any way to fix that
  • edited February 3, 2025
    Can you provide another Debug ID from the Zotero Connector for reloading the article page and trying to save?
  • D1344850370
  • edited February 4, 2025
    Do you not see a PDF listed in the save dialog, or do you see the PDF listed with a red X?

    If the latter, it's likely just the problem described in the linked thread. If you have Zotero 7, you should generally see a CAPTCHA dialog in Zotero (not your browser) when you try to save from ScienceDirect.
  • snapshot was saving but not pdf. there is a pdf listed with a red X. i have zotero 6. should i update to 7?
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