Import linked PDFs (Zotfile and ZotMoov)

Hello! In advance, sorry if this question had already been asked, or if information is existent but scattered. I had to ask, because I don't understand how these mechanics work.

Before I started using Zotero, I already had a large library organized in folders, so I used to "Link" PDFs into parent items (Ctrl+Shift and drag).

However, over the time I found myself using Zotero more and more, therefore, I used ZotFile and its function "Rename and move" to import linked PDFs into Zotero.

(Note: I created (or moved, can't remember) Zotero storage to my disk D:\ZOTERO\Zotero (Storage)\storage\PCYKCWAE - the last string of letters is random for each entry. Zotero instal remained on C disk).

Few days ago I started using Zotero 7 and discovered that Zotfile doesn't work anymore, thus I installed ZotMoov, but can't seem to find which function is equivalent to "Rename and move"). I tried out a couple of things and it would seem as though "Move selected to Directory" exports it, and "Move selected from Directory" imports it - because when I clicked on "Show File", it opened a folder inside the storage.

However, it seems that ZotMoov each time creates a new random folder like "PCYKCWAE". Also, when I delete that PDF or parent item from Zotero, the PDF remains inside the storage, in some random folder.

I'm afraid I'm gonna mess up my already existing storage or that, over time, my Zotero storage will be cluttered with undeleted PDFs? Am I doing something wrong?
  • edited 22 days ago
    Set the Move To directory to the same as your Custom Location folder in Zotfile.

    Set File Behavior to Move.

    Turn OFF Automatically Move/Copy Files to Subdirectory if you want your linked files in a single folder.

    If you want Zotmoov to actually delete linked PDFs from their linked-file folder when you delete them or their parent items, turn ON Automatically Delete External Linked Files in the Zotmoov Directory (note that Zotero does not delete linked files, hence the need for this option. Zotfile did not have such an option).

    Set Allowed File Extensions to all the file types you want Zotmoov to move.

    Move Selected To Directory is the equivalent of Zotfile's Rename and Move (Zotero's new renaming scheme is used in place of Zotfile's).

    Move Selected From Directory is for moving linked files *back* under Zotero\storage. It does the same thing as Zotero's Tools\Manage Attachments\Convert Linked Files to Stored Files.
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