Modify og create personal *.csl style

Hi all

I have tried to change in an existing style, but it is a bit difficult for me

So is there a guide on how to create your own *.csl file to make your citation appear as you would like, or would you like to be able to control the appearance of the reference list itself?

Today I use Zotero style Apalike, where I have gone in and changed prefix "(" to "[" and suffix ")" to "]"

Such that in my reference it appears as [Citetion]

But there are several things I would like to change, such as that the citation is based on "short title" and "date"

For example [Short title, date]

In addition, I would like to control the visuals, such that there is a space between the quotation and the subsequent text

I would like the following text to contain Title, publisher and extra (where I write the specific version)

And then it would be super nice if the list grouped them in alphabetical order according to which catalog or archive they are in.

But is there anyone out there who can help me make this work - but maybe there is a style that fits this

Sincerly from Mathias
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