Weird Highlight on a Reference

## Description
I have a strange persistent highlight on a single citation. Here's a picture:

I believe it was created when I was testing the Zotero Integration plugin in Obsidian. I didn't think much of it when creating my template, expecting it would fix itself when I restart Zotero.
I thought I would check through the forum first before posting this in the Zotero Integration plugin's repo or Zotero GitHub repo.

**Request:** I'd like to know if someone knows what the highlight thing is or what it's called so I can disable and re-enable that feature in the config editor or in the settings.

## Steps to Reproduce

I don't remember exactly how this was created.

It's not a highlight from the search bar.

I'll make an assumption of what's the cause of the problem (a specific property the Zotero Integration plugin uses). These are the general steps I took.
- I believe this has something to do with the Zotero Integration plugin in Obsidian. Specifically, the {{desktopURI}} property or a related one.
- Install Obsidian
- Install Zotero Integration plugin
- Create a template with the [Back to Zotero]({{desktopURI}}) to create a markdown link with the property or replace the property with a similar one.
- To find the available properties, run the Data Explorer command feature from the Zotero Integration plugin through the Obsidian Command pallet.
- Go to Zotero Integration's settings, add an Import Item, and configure it to use the template you created.
- Ctrl+P to run the Obsidian Command Pallet, select the import item you created to run it.
- A literature note is created for that citation based on the template you used.
- Open the literature note you created in the directory you specified in the Zotero Integration Settings. Click the link in the note you created to be taken to Zotero.

The cause could very well be something different, but it's very likely it has something to do with the Zotero Integration plugin and template.

## Environment:

- OS: MX x86_64 (based on Debian)
- Browser: Vivaldi (7.0.3495.29 (Stable channel) stable (64-bit) ) & Brave (1.74.48 Chromium: 132.0.6834.83 (Official Build) unknown (64-bit) )
- Web Clipper version: 0.10.7
- Obsidian version: v1.7.7 (deb installation (NOT an AppImage) )

## Attempted Solutions

- I checked out the items in the config editor in advanced settings with the keyword "highlight", but the ones that appear to be relevant are already set to `false` by default.
- Restarting Zotero. Didn't fix it.
- Clicking the link created from the {{desktopURI}} or any similar property again. Didn't fix it.
- I tried it in the same citation in an attempt to rewrite the highlight and in a different note to create the bug/highlight again.

## Relevant Links:

Zotero Integration:
  • edited January 27, 2025
    This look like something the Ethereal Style does. Do you have this plugin installed? Do you see this after restarting in troubleshooting mode? (I didn't see you have tried it in your post)
  • edited January 27, 2025
    You'd be correct. I did not try that and I do have that installed.
    Thank you for the lead. I ended up toggling off and on the settings option in Ethereal Style.
    The persistent highlight can be disabled by following the following steps.
    - Zotero Title Bar > Edit > Settings > Scroll down to [Ethereal] Style > Uncheck "Title" > Restart Zotero
    I only have the Ethereal Style for it's dark/light mode button and to disable whatever "Title" does or was doing doesn't bother me.

    Thank you!!!
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