Style Request: Universität Vechta - Katholische Theologie (Deutsch)

edited 12 days ago
i would like this style to get included into the repository. It is the style of a theological institute. For this reason there is no journal to be cited, but this guideline:

I already created a csl-file and did a pull request on github that worked. But i am a bit clueless about how my code is to be included into the repository.

I tried to open a thread before but it was deleted. It would be very helpful for me to be told what I did wrong. Anyways here are the samples required:

There is no In-text citation, but citation in the footnotes including random page references:

Campbell / Pedersen, Capitalism, 309.
Mares, Welfare, 200.

Campbell, John L. / Pedersen, Ove K., The varieties of capitalism and hybrid success, in: Comparative Political Studies 40/3 (2007), 307–332.

Mares, Isabela, Firms and the welfare state: When, why, and how does social policy matter to employers?, in: Hall, Peter A. / Soskice, David (Hgg.), Varieties of capitalism. The institutional foundations of comparative advantage, New York 2001, 184–213.
  • edited 12 days ago
    I'm the same guy that tried helping you on GitHub.
    You had 2 PRs open, now you closed both.
    Please keep one PR open, but don't duplicate things.
    Also, duplicating your requests with a post here won't help. It comes across as overly pushy.

    As you can see there is close to 300 open PRs. The CSL team consists of less than 5 volunteers who maintain this repository in their free time. You will need to have patience till somebody can look over your PR and merge it so it goes public.
    I've tried to help you to get it into some shape so it will take less to fix once that happens.
  • Hi, I'm really sorry. It wasn't meant to be intrusive at all. I'm not familiar with coding at all and was confused by the user interface. I have now reopened the correct pull request. Really sorry for the confusion and inconvenience.
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