Requesting help with shortcuts - intext citation into reference pages (of a published document)

Hello Zotero Forum,

This is my first time posting a question so please bear with me!

I some how had "sticky keys" or I pressed something in which whenever I hovered over a an APA reference of an author's quote ex: (Smith, 2010) within a published document I downloaded from JSTOR (or a pdf with a bunch of filled out meta data already), a white box bubble text popped up with the full citations already written out. I proceeded to click it and it took me right to works cited list of the published article. That was amazing! However...

I can't seem to do it again! Is there a key in which I had to press in order for this to work? I suspect I had sticky keys as perhaps a key was stuck but didn't realize it. I'd like to be able to utilize this as it helps me refer to citations as I have a writing project due. It would speed up the process of having to scroll to the reference page over and over again.

(I also understand this only works for documents that have meta-data already built in the doc).
  • This is the default behavior, doesn't require a shortcut - just hover over - and can't be disabled. You're trying to get this in the PDF in zotero, yes? Could you try a couple of different PDFs, and have you tried restarting zotero? And to be clear, you are using zotero 7, yes?
  • edited January 24, 2025
    Hi Adam! So sorry for the late reply.

    Yes! I am using Zotero 7. I tried a couple of PDFS and for some reason I can't replicate it. Do you recommend me reinstalling Zotero 7? I bought the premium to have storage, if i press the sync button top right, that will be fine as a save point before I reinstall?

    I really appreciate your help!

    Update: I restarted Zotero 7 and it works. However only a small select few have this light blue highlight behind it wherein the text bubble pops up! Is it due to me having 7 tabs of documents open? Perhaps it's overloading Zotero 7. (I have ADHD and I usually have multiple tabs open)
  • Don't re-install -- there's virtually no chance that'll change anything.
    So one thing is that as I understand the feature, the PDF loads first, the citation recognition is sort of an overlay -- it can take a little to appear, so wait a bit without clicking back and forth between PDFs.
    Also try simply hovering over a citation, some citations work differently (they work as hyperlinks, displaying not the citation but the section of the bibliography linked to)

    And then it's possible you're just getting unlucky -- not all PDFs work, this is a feature that's new and still somewhat experimental.
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