Zotero 7 - missing automatic export

edited 13 days ago
Hi there,

when I try to export my library the button "Keep Updated" is missing in the next window (see Screenshot in german language)
Everything else like "Export Items" or "Format" (BibLaTeX etc.) is there. When I used Zotero 5 I had no problems but while setting up Zotero 7 on my new computer I got across this problem.

Does anyone know what to do? Does the automatic export maybe work differently in Zotero 7?

Thanks in advance!
  • That's a feature of the Better BibTeX plugin.
  • edited 13 days ago
    Okay, but how do I have to set it up?

    I got the BBT plugin and chose "On Change". But in that section it tells me quite explicit: "To set up an automatic export you have to choose 'Keep Updated' when performing an export" (which is the window I posted above)
    As far as I understand: in the BBT settings I can only select HOW I would like an automatic export to be performed but not whether or not an automatic export is executed in the first place
  • edited 13 days ago
    You need to expirt using "Better BibTeX" (as a format, that is; BibTeX is just the regular Zotero export)
  • Now I go it - thank you so much! Should have checked this before :D
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