Style Error[Animal Conservation]
There is a 2018 format version for Animal Conservation available in Zotero but there appears to be discrepancies with current guidelines. For example,
-et al should be in italics
-Zotero is adding first initial before authors with the same last name (ie Adam Smith and Jane Smith are referenced as J. Smith or A. Smith) but this is not what the journal does. They simply do Smith and the year regardless as long as they are not the same year.
There is an EndNote available for download on the journal website but not Zotero. I
-et al should be in italics
-Zotero is adding first initial before authors with the same last name (ie Adam Smith and Jane Smith are referenced as J. Smith or A. Smith) but this is not what the journal does. They simply do Smith and the year regardless as long as they are not the same year.
There is an EndNote available for download on the journal website but not Zotero. I
Also, do you have an example article that shows the second behavior, i.e. 2003a, b for two different Smiths (or other authors with the same last name)?
Here is an example that shows two different authors named Smith with different years.
I've adapted the style. Please test and let us know if you spot any other issues.
"In the list, references must be arranged first alphabetically under author(s) name(s) and then in chronological order if several papers by the same author(s) are cited.
Lemelin, P. (1996a). Relationships between hand morphology and feeding strategies in small-bodied prosimians. Am. J. phys. Anthrop. (Suppl.) 22, 148.
Lemelin, P. (1996b). The evolution of manual prehensility in primates: a comparative study of prosimians and didelphid marsupials. PhD thesis, State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Pianka, E. R. (1978). Evolutionary ecology. 2nd edn. New York: Harper & Row.
Whitear, M. (1992). Solitary chemosensory cells. In Fish chemoreception: 103-125. Hara, T. J. (Ed.). London: Chapman & Hall."
Thanks in advance!
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