Need to make one slight tweak to bibliographic format code
My preferred bibliographic format is Modern Language Association 9th edition. I often use the "Extra" field to hold information about book illustrators. Right now the preview/export shows a comma after "Illustrated by ... ". I simply want to change this comma to a period. This is for personal use and I am not in any way suggesting a permanent change, since my primary use of Zotero is personal. I've tried looking at where in the source code to make this change but so far have been unsuccessful. Need guidance as to where to go to change just that one character. Thanks!
Below are the existing and preferred formats. Hope this helps. Thanks!
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Modern Language Association 9th edition
Kimmel, Eric A. The Spider’s Gift : A Ukrainian Christmas Story. Illustrated by Katya Krenina, Holiday House, 2010.
Kimmel, Eric A. The Spider’s Gift : A Ukrainian Christmas Story. Illustrated by Katya Krenina. Holiday House, 2010.
While you can change the delimiter in 321 that will also make it into a dot in other places.