Thanks for the link. Let me add a bit of explanation: I didn't have citing in mind, but importing a file with bibliographic information from Pubmed. After a Pubmed search, the query results can be exported to an .nbib file for import into ones' reference manager of choice. And here is where a documentation of nbib field tags mapping to Zotero fields would come in handy, unfortunately, I haven't found it. Specifically, I'm trying to understand which field tags in the .nbib file get into the Extra field. Following is an example copied from an .nbib file saved from Pubmed: PMID- 39825974 OWN - NLM STAT- Publisher LR - 20250118 IS - 1865-8652 (Electronic) IS - 0741-238X (Linking) DP - 2025 Jan 18 TI - Assessment OT - Asthma OT - FEV 1 I know already that the 'PMID- 39825974' information will be imported into the Zotero 'Extra' field and show as 'PMID: 39825974'. Also the 'PMC - pmcid' and 'PL - Country' will be placed into the 'Extra' field. Hence my question: which other field tags can be used to get information into the Extra field.
And here is where a documentation of nbib field tags mapping to Zotero fields would come in handy, unfortunately, I haven't found it.
Specifically, I'm trying to understand which field tags in the .nbib file get into the Extra field. Following is an example copied from an .nbib file saved from Pubmed:
PMID- 39825974
STAT- Publisher
LR - 20250118
IS - 1865-8652 (Electronic)
IS - 0741-238X (Linking)
DP - 2025 Jan 18
TI - Assessment
OT - Asthma
OT - FEV 1
I know already that the 'PMID- 39825974' information will be imported into the Zotero 'Extra' field and show as 'PMID: 39825974'. Also the 'PMC - pmcid' and 'PL - Country' will be placed into the 'Extra' field.
Hence my question: which other field tags can be used to get information into the Extra field.