How to copy my entire zotero library to group zotero library?

Hi everyone,

My colleagues would like to start using zotero and we want to have a group library. However, I had all relevant papers and subfolders created in a personal library. How do I share this personal library in the group? Or can I change the type of my library from personal to group?

Thank you!
  • You can select all items and drag them to the group library, and then drag each top-level collection. (It's not currently possible to copy all collections at once, but that's planned.)
  • I see, thank you!
  • Hello, what about the PDF documents, notes and highlights that we have in our private library, how can we share them in our group library?
  • There are some checkboxes in Settings-General-Groups. You can decide on the child parts to share in your group library.
  • Hello everyone,

    I have just begun copying my personal library to a group library I just created of which I am currently the only owner and user. In the beginning, I would drag and drop collection by collection and they would copy nicely into the new group library, with all items and attachments. But at a certain point, this procedure stopped working. I have an unlimited storage plan. Could anyone helpt? Thanks.
  • @garabedian: If you've already dragged a collection, dragging it again won't do anything. (A future version might improve things to allow previously dragged collections to be updated, though it's a complicated problem.)
  • In my case, the drag-and-drop does not work. Is it supposed to work on the website or only on the desktop app?
    I tried to move one collection or a subcollection; in neither case the items were transferred to the group library
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