No dictionary in Zotero on iPad

When I highlight a word in the built-in PDF viewer there’s a contextual menu with items like Copy, Highlight and so on. Usually, in other iPad apps there’s an item which says ‘Look up’ which brings up pop-up dictionary with the definition of selected word. It is a very useful feature which I use a lot.

But in Zotero on iPad there’s no such item and instead there’s an item that says ‘Define’ which does nothing at all. I think apple used to call Look up feature Define, but renamed it some years ago. I wonder if anyone else has this problem and is it possible to do something with it.

Below are examples.
  • Yes, sorry, "Look Up" is missing in the latest version. We'll have a new version out shortly that restores it.
  • This is fixed now in 1.0.45.
  • Oh Yeay! I came here looking for this because I've used lookup extensively on my iPad with Zotero but recently haven't been able to use it. I'll make sure my version is up to date. This really helps my reading speed and comprehension. Thank you.
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