in text citations that have been cut and pasted to a new location don't work in zotero 7

edited January 8, 2025
I am writing my doctoral thesis and just updated to Zotero 7. I am using Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013. I have discovered that whenever I cut and paste an in text citation from one place to another, it no longer works properly. When I click add/edit citations with my cursor on it, it no longer 'opens' the citation and shows the references in the red window. Intead, a new '{citation}' is created inside the old citation. When I compile the bibliography by clicking 'add/edit biography', the bibliography created doesn't include items derived from any references cut and pasted from another document. Is there any fix for this?
  • What is the full version number of Office/Word that you are using? Make sure you are running the latest official version.
  • I am running Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2013. I haven't upgraded to a newer version because newer versions of Word are subscription products that require payment on an ongoing basis. I would switch to LibreOffice, but am worried about compatibility issues for Zotero when collaborating with people, like my thesis advisor, who use Word. It's possible that version 7 may have alleviated these issues. I haven't investigated that issue yet. For the time being, I need to use Zotero with my current version of word.
  • What is the full version number of Word? You need to make sure you running the latest version Word, even if it is 2013. You can also get non-subscription versions of Word 2021 or 2024, but Zotero works fine with 2013 too. However Zotero has no part in copying citations in Word, so if it doesn't work, the issue is in Word, not Zotero and updating Zotero won't fix this.
  • This may be obvious but another thing to check is whether you're pasting without formatting (which in lots of programs on windows is ctrl+shift+v, although word doesn't use that), if you do that word strips everything except the text (and including the field codes). If that's the cause, using the 'merge formatting' paste should preserve the fields while also preserving the target format.
  • The full version number is 15.0.4420.1017
  • edited January 10, 2025
    I just discovered that the problem goes away when I turn off Document preferences>advanced options>Store citation as bookmarks
    I had this turned on because I thought it would make my Microsoft word citations more compatible with LibreOffice word.
  • edited January 10, 2025
    comment deleted.
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