Not saving as a book on Worldcat

As of maybe a week ago, I'm having the same problem as the user in this thread:

I followed the extension debugging instructions and submitted this debug ID --- D1670640567

Here's what else I know:

(this is what pops up when I try to save the url below) [title of the book] snapshot An error occurred saving with Open WorldCat. Attempting to save using Embedded Metadata instead.

(what I see when I hover over the Zotero button) Save to Zotero (open worldcat) has access to this site

This is the exact url I was trying to save

The "book" icon is visible but it saves as a web page
I checked for updates and/or updated the extension, chrome, and Zotero desktop.

I did a quick check on and zotero correctly saved a random item that I chose.

Any ideas?
  • OK so nobody has responded to this one. Is anybody else having this problem? Maybe we could ask for help as a group?
  • Ran the debugging thing again. Here's the output: 435869376
  • Open the Zotero Connector preferences and click Reset Translators, then reload the WorldCat page and try saving again.

    If it's still not working, we'll need a Debug ID for the full process: enable debug logging, then reload the WorldCat page and try to save, then submit the debug log. The Debug ID you posted starts after you tried to save the item (and the second ID you posted is a Report ID, not a Debug ID).
  • Did the above and it's still saving worldcat book citations as web pages - the debug ID is D295407140. Can you help?
  • Sorry to be a pest about this--I sent in the information as requested but never got a response. I was trying some things on my own today as well - reinstalling everything, resetting translators. . still no luck. On Worldcat, I can't save a book as a book. It saves it as web page. Any ideas for next steps?
  • Have you tried restarting your computer? Does it work with other browsers (Firefox, Edge)? Do you have other extensions installed in the browser that may be interfering?
  • I have shut down, restarted, updated Chrome, checked for Zotero desktop app updates, etc. I do not have any other Chrome extensions installed. I get this Error: HTTP request to rejected with status 401

    It does work correctly with Edge, however.
  • You should try disabling all extensions but Zotero on Chrome and see if it works. If it works on Edge, it means something in your Chrome setup, either extensions or configuration is preventing the Zotero Connector from working.
  • Thanks, but I uninstalled and re-installed Chrome and the Zotero extension yesterday, and did not install any other extensions. It did not help. I also uninstalled and reinstalled the Z. desktop application just for good measure. It still saves worldcat books as web pages.
  • Solved: I uninstalled Chrome, followed by manually deleting the Chrome folders that are left in place after uninstalling. Then I re-installed chrome. I followed these directions
    Anybody else who tries this - remember to export your chrome bookmarks first.
  • Update: Not solved.
    Aaaaad now I have the same problem with HathiTrust. Same problem, same error message, different site. Surely I'm not the only one?
  • There's no reason to uninstall and reinstall Chrome, but you should clear your cookies (on or globally) and then reload any WorldCat pages you have open. If that doesn't solve it, it's likely that WorldCat is blocking your network for some reason.
    Aaaaad now I have the same problem with HathiTrust. Same problem, same error message, different site.
    Please start a new thread for this and include a Connector Debug ID. The Connector shows the same error message for all translator errors, but your WorldCat issue is on that site's end and has no connection to any problem with HathiTrust.
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