addon item
whenever I open a new pdf, the note on the right will be constructed automatically. The note's title is"addon item", and the note's content is listed as follow"W9CAAU9R {"readingTime":{"page":7,"data":{"0":470,"1":1810,"2":1600,"3":1510,"4":40,"5":20,"6":130}}}"
That is a troublesome for me. Can anybody help me to solve?
That is a troublesome for me. Can anybody help me to solve?
dstillmanYou've installed some plugin that's doing that. That's obviously not from Zotero itself.
northwordzotero style
Iris.LiI had tried to remove some of the newly intalled plugins including zotero style, but the phenomenon still exists. And even if the phenomenon is caused by zotero style, I don't want to lose it, it is useful for me. Is there any other way to help me to eliminate the addon item?
Iris.LiThanks very much! The problem had been resoved!
bwiernikYou would have to talk to the developer of the Zotero Style add on
nairaalamCould someone please post the solution here again? The image link provided seems to have expired.