Missing scrollbar when saving snapshot from ScienceDirect

The ScienceDirect pages have a section on the left with a scrollbar, including the Outline and Figures. For example:


When saving as a snapshot to Zotero, the scrollbar disappears:

The only way to access the bottom part in the left is to zoom out:

It is possible to keep that scrollbar to keep the page functional?

Zotero 7.0.12-beta.1+31bbf2acf (64-bit
Windows 10
  • This seems like a weird behaviour with ScienceDirect website. If you open the link above and scroll to the top of the page, the scrollbar of the sidebar doesn't appear. It only appears once you scroll down beyond the ScienceDirect website header. This is what's preventing Zotero from capturing the page with the scrollbar. Other website capture tools will have the same issue. You should try talking to Elsevier and asking them to not disable the scrollbar when at the top of the page.
  • Thank you for checking.
    I have never managed to get any successful communication with Elsevier. So I will probably just give-up on this problem.
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