Zotero 7 Snapshots Annotations issue

Dear Zotero community, good morning, good day, or good evening—depending on where you currently are! And Merry Christmas as well, to everybody who's celebrating Christmas today!
I wanted to ask for some help—or maybe just to see if it's an issue someone else has encountered these days as well. It's a strange issue which I thought a slight hiccup at first, but I guess by this point it's got me worried enough that I had to write here.
Anyway, I can't annotate snapshots properly anymore. For some reason, it almost looks as if Zotero renders the snapshots as images, even though the Connector obviously saves them as text, as I can easily check if I open the file in any browser. Sometimes I can select the text in Zotero as well, but only from a certain point to a certain point or, even stranger, only in a certain way (say, I can select the same paragraph down to up and not the other way around).
Already annotated snapshots work as well as ever, almost as if not affected by the issue. Newly saved, however, usually don't work at all, just as snapshots saved from a while ago that haven't been annotated so far.
Tried disabling all plugins one by one, started Zotero in troubleshooting mode—nothing fixed the issue, the nature of which I can't get my head around even in the slightest. Has anybody encountered something similar? Is it a temporary issue? If not, suggestions and ideas? It's a very important feature to me, one of the most useful added to Zotero in a while (which is saying a lot, as Zotero is one of the most useful programs ever...)
Thank you very much in advance! And have a lovely day!
  • edited December 25, 2024
    Is this happening for snapshots from any site, or just for specific sites? If specific sites, can you provide an example URL?

    You should try disabling all other extensions in your browser and saving a new snapshot.
  • Any site. And thank you for the suggestion: I'll try disabling extensions in the browser as well and will update shortly with the results. Although I tried saving from several browsers—Vivaldi (the one I'm using), Mozilla, Chrome—and that didn't work. But never disabled all extensions everywhere. Will do now.
  • Nope, I'm sorry to say this didn't solve the issue...
    And I really feel like it's got to be something Zotero-related, as the issue affects old snapshots too, even such (though rarely) that have already been annotated (i.e., where I can be absolutely sure there had been no issue before).
    And I can't find any pattern. For example, I have sometimes snapshots from similarly-looking related pages from a single website, and some of them work well, some of them don't. Until recently, everything worked perfectly and I don't think I have installed new browser or Zotero addons in a while...
  • But you said originally that snapshots you’d already annotated worked fine. That’s not the case?
  • edited December 25, 2024
    Yes, mostly they do, sorry for not being perfectly clear before. It's like 80% of them work fine. But about 1 in 5 doesn't.
    And even though it's a rare case, I feel like it's a telling one—and probably that's the one that's bothering me the most. What could have happened to affect these snapshots, some of which are old several months?
    Almost as bothersome is the fact that sometimes there are snapshots I have saved within minutes of each other (similarly-looking, from the same website), months ago, few of which I have annotated in the meantime, few of them left as is. The former work mostly fine (with the rare exceptions, as stated above), and the latter don't work at all.
    So, in summary, I guess this would a good approximation of what's happening (percent of them working):
    • New snapshots: 90+% work fine
    • Old, annotated snapshots: 70-80%
    • Old snapshots (not annotated): 0%
  • Sometimes I can select the text in Zotero as well, but only from a certain point to a certain point or, even stranger, only in a certain way (say, I can select the same paragraph down to up and not the other way around).
    I can see this when I import the snapshot from this page:

    It behaves as if some part of the snapshot is covered by another layer that prevents clicking on the text below. I cannot click in the part from the title to the third line from the end of the abstract. The region that cannot be clicked changes with the zoom level.
    The text can be selected if I start from the last line of the abstract and go up.

    Zotero 7.0.12-beta.1+31bbf2acf (64-bit)
    Windows 10
  • The region that cannot be clicked changes with the zoom level.
    That's true for me as well! Didn't know it until @mjthoraval pointed it out (great find!)
    I tried it immediately, and yes—the zoom level affects the selectable part in my case as well, regardless of whether it's a newly saved article or an old one (i.e., one which, in the past, certainly worked fine).

    (P.S. I forgot to list the version of my Zotero: the same one; only on Windows 11).
  • Anyone with a solution/suggestion/new ideas regarding this problem? It makes annotating screenshots almost impossible...
  • Same problem. I could previously select text in a snapshot and highlight it, now the same snapshot does not allow me to do this. Which leads me to think the problem is not in the creation of the snapshot, but in its rendering on the UI.
  • edited January 7, 2025
    Yes, @wpvking, I think you're right! It all points to some kind of a UI bug in the newer versions: as @mjthoraval suggested above, the snapshots behave as if some part of them are "covered by another layer that prevents clicking on the text below". Hopefully, it will get fixed soon...

    Edit: Also, it's a bit baffling to me that only few have written here. Is it possible that not many people are experiencing this issue? After all, if it's something UI-related (as many things suggest) then shouldn't it be something that everybody's experiencing as well? If it helps, it's not something plugin-related as I can reproduce the problem in Troubleshooting Mode too.
  • Seems to be solved in Zotero 7.1-beta.1 (I had the same issue with the previous beta)
  • It is solved also for me in Zotero 7.1-beta.1+bc3c05d06 (64-bit) on Windows 10.
  • Yes, @poettli, thank you for sharing! I installed Zotero 7.1-beta.1 now and I can confirm that the problem is solved! Thank you very much—both to you, everybody who participated here, and especially the developers!
  • Whoop Whoop!! Thanks, it works.
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