Error: The Zotero database cannot be opened

This morning I tried to open Zotero (like I do just about daily) and received an error message: The Zotero database cannot be opened. The application simply quits w/o allowing me access to make any changes, locate files, anything? Help!
  • thanks Adam, I'll check it out now
  • Adam, I'm unable to find a "Menu" under Terminal?
  • actually more to the point I cannot find "Preferences" in any of the Terminal dropdown choices.
  • I'm using Sequoia 15.1.1
  • I'm not a Mac person, but these should be the relevant instructions for you:
  • okay that was helpful but after following the instruction the application still does not launch. The error message says "You may be able to fix this problem by moving the data directory to the new default location in your home directory. Zotero will automatically detect the new location"
    It then shows me the current location and then the recommend location. However the current location is incorrect?
  • Nothing so far is supposed to have fixed this — the point of the entire discussion up to now is just to have you provide us with debugging information. That's what we need to help further.
  • So you want the following text from Terminal once I hit return? Here it is:
    Last login: Tue Jan 7 03:09:14 on console

    The default interactive shell is now zsh.
    To update your account to use zsh, please run `chsh -s /bin/zsh`.
    For more details, please visit
    Mac:~ ricrodeheaver$ /Applications/ -ZoteroDebug
    JavaScript error: resource://gre/modules/Sqlite.sys.mjs, line 1336: NS_ERROR_FILE_ACCESS_DENIED: Could not open connection to /Users/ricrodeheaver/Dropbox/Zotero/zotero.sqlite: 2152857621
    UNSUPPORTED (log once): POSSIBLE ISSUE: unit 1 GLD_TEXTURE_INDEX_2D is unloadable and bound to sampler type (Float) - using zero texture because texture unloadable
    2025-01-07 03:15:16.780 zotero[1657:20058] +[IMKClient subclass]: chose IMKClient_Modern
    2025-01-07 03:15:16.780 zotero[1657:20058] +[IMKInputSession subclass]: chose IMKInputSession_Modern
    Mac:~ ricrodeheaver$
  • You moved your data directory into a cloud storage folder. You absolutely can't do that.
  • okay, that was done by accident. How do I resolve the issue?
  • Move /Users/[username]/Dropbox/Zotero back to the default location of /Users/[username]/Zotero.
  • but here's the thing- the Zotero in Dropbox is nearly 5 years old (I went into Dropbox to check). But I've been actively using Zotero on my computer up until 12/16.
  • What exactly is 5 years old? What matter are the timestamps of the zotero.sqlite files.

    You'll need to find your current Zotero data directory, with recent zotero.sqlite and .bak files.
  • by the way, currently there is a Zotero folder in: /Users/[username]/Zotero
  • so if I'm reading you correctly all those files are back from 2013 to 2015
  • I did recently make a back up of my database (12-16-24) (and that is stored in my iCloud account)
  • Is there any way simply redownload Zotero, install and then restore from my recent back up?
  • edited January 7, 2025
    We don't know what's on your computer, and Zotero wouldn't have let you choose a folder in Dropbox without making you click through a warning not to do that, so you'll need to debug this yourself. You need to find the data directory that you've been using, which is the one with recent zotero.sqlite files, and then that data directory needs to be at /Users/[username]/Zotero. The folder in Dropbox should be removed. Zotero will then prompt you to switch back to the default location.
  • So to be clear you're saying the zotero.sqlite files I'm looking for should have a 2024 date since I've been using it as recently as the last two weeks?
  • And there's no way to simply redownload the program and restore from a back up?
  • finally, what about the fact that there currently is a Zotero folder in Users/[username]/Zotero? even if it's the current folder why doesn't the program launch?
  • Yes, you should be looking for zotero.sqlite files from 2024.
    And there's no way to simply redownload the program and restore from a back up?
    No. Redownloading doesn't affect your settings or data.
    finally, what about the fact that there currently is a Zotero folder in Users/[username]/Zotero? even if it's the current folder why doesn't the program launch?
    Because you set Zotero to use the folder in Dropbox. As I say, once the correct files are in /Users/[username]/Zotero, you need to make sure the folder in Dropbox is removed, and then Zotero will prompt you to use the default location instead of the custom location you chose.
  • okay, I'll give it a go. thanks for your help
  • okay, so I put things back in place (hopefully) and now I've made some progress (at least I can see the application in the background now) but a receive a new error message.
    It's now looking at the directory and saying "Make sure you have read and write permissions for all files in the Zotero data directory and that security software isn't preventing Zotero from accessing that directory."
    Any thoughts on this?
  • That means what it says. You'll need to fix the permissions via Get Info in the Finder so that your current user account can read and write to that folder and all files within it. We're not able to provide general OS guidance here. This would only happen due to things you did outside of Zotero.
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